Besouro, before dying,
whistled and gave a signal.
I will say for the people
and for those who do not know:
I am not second-handed;
my past is well-guarded,
I swear.
Those done unknowingly
beneath my blade,
where are their guts?

Olha o homem

Look at the man I killed:
I didn’t get into his wallet.
Look at the man I killed.
It was a fine disorder
and a fine assassination.
Tomorrow I go forth
for this world of God.

Mais eu pisé

And I stepped on dry leaves
and saw them rustle, rustle, rustle,
rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle.
I saw them rustle, rustle, rustle.
He who cannot deal with cunning carries no protection.
I saw them rustle, rustle, rustle.